Jonathan Wilson is an
Atlanta attorney with more than 19 years of experience guiding growing private and public companies. He currently serves
as the outside general counsel of several companies and is the former general counsel of Web.com.com (NASDAQ: WWWW) and EasyLink
Services (NASDAQ: ESIC). He is also the founding chair of the Renewable Energy Committee of the American Bar Association's
Public Utility Section.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Taylor English Duma Assists Client with $17 Million Renewable Energy Grant
Taylor English Duma LLP attorney Greg Sanderson recently advised a Washington state-based manufacturer in successfully obtaining a Treasury §1603 cash grant in excess
of $17 million for a 55 megawatt biomass power plant. Sanderson is part of the Renewable Energy Finance team at the firm.
The client manufactures bleached and unbleached kraft pulp and linerboard at its mill in the Tacoma, Washington
area. The mill employs some of the most advanced paper recycling techniques available, and recycles some 500 tons of waste
paper and boxes every day, turning it into high-quality packaging paper while improving the environment. The new power plant
is fueled with biomass residues from mill operations and other regional sources. The plant co-generates green power that is
sold into the public electrical power grid and steam that is used for paper manufacturing.
For the last two years,
Sanderson has worked to obtain incentives for this biomass power project. The grant will cover 30 percent of the cost of the
project. "Biomass" is any organic material obtained from terrestrial and aquatic crops, including wood and paper
residue. The biomass material is a renewable fuel used by the power plant as an alternative to coal or petroleum products.
"The 2009 Recovery Act has made billions available to companies trying to build renewable energy facilities,"
Sanderson says. "The policy is to promote domestic and renewable sources of energy."
Sanderson is a
member of the Taylor English Duma LLP renewable energy team. Taylor English lawyers represent renewable energy developers and investors to help them qualify for tax incentives and obtain
project financing in debt and capital markets. Sanderson has been involved in more than 100 similar tax credit transactions
supporting renewable energy.
"It is great to be able to complete a project like this and see it work,"
Sanderson says. "It is rewarding because we are helping to produce electricity from renewable resources. Renewable biomass
energy is produced locally, carbon neutral, and environmentally friendly. Our nation needs to develop more renewable sources
to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and imported oil."
9:00 am est
Monday, December 14, 2009
Reid Can't Get 60
Joseph Lieberman's decision to vote against Obamacare makes it nearly certain that the measure will not get the 60 votes required to end debate.
The President will pay a steep political price if his healthcare bill fails to pass Congress.
On the right he has already taken a hit for pushing the legislation in the face of substantial public opposition. On
the left, he will suffer not only for failing to get the legislation approved but for all of the opportunities he has lost
along the way as the debate over health care has dominated the legislative calendar so far.
Other democratic priorities,
like energy and climate change have taken a back seat during the health care debate.
10:30 am est
Lieberman to Vote Against Obamacare
In a blow to the administration's hopes of adopting health care legislation, Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I. CT) indicated that he will vote against the health care legislation currently pending in the Senate. The bill's supporters had said earlier that they thought they had secured
Lieberman's vote as they sought to avoid an impasse within the Democratic Party. On Sunday, however, Lieberman told
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to scrap the idea of expanding Medicare and to abandon any new government insurance plan
or else lose his support.
8:50 am est
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Obama Approval Hits New Low for Two Straight Days
The RasmussenReports Presidential Approval Index hit another new low today, falling to -19. This is the second day in a row that the index has set a record low. In today's results,
only 23% polled strongly approve, while 42% strongly disapprove.
10:57 am est
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Obama's Approval Hits New Low
The President's approval rating took another step downward, hitting a new low as 41% polled "strongly disapprove" of the President's performance in contrast to only 25% who "strongly approve"
for a net of -16.

2:54 pm est
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Supreme Court to Hear Argument in Sarbanes-Oxley Case
3:58 pm est
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Obama's Afghanistan Speech: "Partisan" and "False"
The reaction to Obama's Tuesday night speech on Afghanistan from West Point: "Never before has a speech by President
Barack Obama felt as false as his Tuesday address announcing America's new strategy for Afghanistan. It . . . left both
dreamers and realists feeling distraught."
That opinion, voiced by Der Spiegel, sums up the reaction of many this Wednesday morning. (By the way, weren't the Europeans supposed to love us against
after Obama was elected?)
The President proposes a troop surge of 30,000 during 2010, but a drawn down only 18
months later. (Memo to Taliban: Hold on to 2011 and you're good to go).
Obama has tried to split the baby
with his Afghanistan policy and it will make neither the left nor the right happy. Obama campaigned as a dove and his
liberal supporters won't like the surge. Conservatives have never been happy with Obama and his announcement of a deadline
for withdrawing troops will disappoint those who think we are giving aid and comfort to the enemy by forecasting the date
when we will no longer be committed to the effort.
10:42 am est
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Jonathan B. Wilson is an Atlanta attorney at the law firm of Taylor English Duma LLP. Jonathan B. Wilson
provides legal advice to investors, companies and business executives involving corporate law, securities law, SEC matters,
intellectual property, website and Internet legal issues, start-ups, limited liability companies, partnerships, 1934 Act matters,
outsourcing, strategic alliance agreements, contracts, and other matters of importance to growing private and publicly-traded